eBay Frenzy captures women’s inner warrior.

eBay just launched a new commercial via Advertising Agency Venables Bell + Partners. This commercial does a great job of capturing how women get into warrior mode to get the item they so long for. Great job!

Take a look and let us know what you think.

Agency: Venables Bell + Partners
Client: eBay
Founder/Executive Creative Director: Paul Venables
ECD: Will McGinness
CD: Lee Einhorn
Sr. Art Director: Tavia Holmes
Sr. Copywriter: Jody Horn
Copy Writer: Ashley Billings
Art Director: Matt Miller
Copywriter: Matt Keats
Producer: Mandi Holdorf
Production: Arts & Sciences
Director: Matt Aselton
EP: Marc Marrie
EP: Mal Ward
Producer: Eric Sedorovitz
DP: Peter Donahue
Edit: Arcade
Editor: Geoff Hounsell

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