Initiative Vermisste Kinder or Transmedia at its finest.

We found a great integrated Advertising campaign that succeeded in connecting with it’s audience and beyond: The Vermisste Kinder initiative. this is Transmedia at its finest. Using several media channel to tell their story (across several platforms, complementing each other), they were able to engage and convert people into brand evangelist (active seekers in this case) and exponentially increase the search radius. This campaign is simply brilliant.

Take a look:


Here’s the resumé as presented by the Ad Agency:

Every year in Germany, more than 100,000 children and young people are reported missing. So on behalf of “Initiative Vermisste Kinder” (Missing Children’s Initiative), we launched a unique campaign designed to track them down: Deutschland findet euch (Germany will find you). The brief was to quickly establish the facebook page as a high-profile cause.

At the match of FC Bayern Munich versus Real Madrid, Bayern captain Mark van Bommel entered the playing field without a player escort kid holding his hand to accompany him. Instead, the Munich player was carrying a poster with a photo of the missing girl Debbie and a reference to the website Media had already been informed in advance and sports reporter Béla Réthy informed viewers live in 40 countries about the “Deutschland findet Euch” campaign.

Broadcasted live in over 40 countries, the kick-off put the fate of missing children at the forefront of public attention nationwide for the very first time. The game was watched by 15 million TV viewers. Followed by more than 40,000 new facebook fans recruited. There were uncountable reports in numerous print and online media, including all main TV channels. Today, over 100,000 Facebook fans are currently participating via “Deutschland findet Euch”.

By using a range of media in combination we were able to establish “Deutschland findet euch“ as the world’s largest network for tracing missing children. But the best statistic of all is that, to date, one missing child has already been traced via our platform and the mother has offered her grateful thanks – on our website.

• 15.000.000 Euro Media coverage
• 40.000 new Facebook-Fans in one week
• A total global exposure of 55.000.000
• 69.000 viewers in the stadium
• 15.000.000 TV viewers worldwide


Advertising Agency: Kempertrautmann, Hamburg, Germany
Advertising Agency: Fischerappelt, Hamburg, Germany
Creative Director: Marcell Francke, Patrick Matthiensen
Account Manager: Marcell Francke, Patrick Matthiensen, Carolin Panier, Biljana Retzlik
Programming: Patrick Matthiensen
Art Director: Leif Johannsen
Graphic Designer: Leif Johannsen, Bruno Luglio
Copywriting: Sebastian Merget
Production: Alexander Kate
Involved Agency: Fischerappelt
Case Film Preparation: Nhb Video

This is brilliant. (the kind that makes you jealous a bit lol) I love the idea, and execution. It shows that Transmedia is going places. Actually it shows that Transmedia is the future. And it’s already here. Make that story stick by amplifying it across platforms. Planners take note!

3 responses to “Initiative Vermisste Kinder or Transmedia at its finest.

  1. You’re right it really makes me jealous! Anyway I really like the idea of an integrated advertising campaign having a real social impact!

  2. Pingback: Initiative Vermisste Kinder [Missing Children's Initiative] or Transmedia at its finest. « Performance by Design·

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